Oak Web

Exclusively available to ADMIS customers

The OAK Web application offers a "One Screen Solution", providing customers the ability to route orders to any connected exchange. OAK provides easy web based access, alleviating the steps associated with running third-party software such as downloading and installation.  This web based access provides user ability to use OAK wherever an internet connection is available via the web, your desktop or your mobile phone. 


Key Platform Benefits

  • No cost to use
  • Access electronic markets
  • Simple order ticket entry
  • Risk/Span margin updates
  • Ability to export order activity
  • Developed & supported in-house

Web-Based Front End

  • Eliminates need to download third-party software
  • Secure Server
  • Easy to use interface

Business Logic/Risk Analysis Middleware

  • Individual margin and trading permissions
  • Orders checked for real-time buying power
  • Each account re-margined intra-day
  • Complete order history information and account information
  • Customer ability to sort/filter orders by specific criteria
  • Ability to execute give-up and allocation orders
  • Order "parking"; ready to send order with one click

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